Sunday, January 24, 2010

Offices To Let Can You Explain To Me Why People That Run For Government Offices?

Can you explain to me why people that run for government offices? - offices to let

Needs of millions of voters simply run their campaigns?

Our country is not so old. 100 years ago, when the men decided to run for office, then tell the President, the announcement and the spread of foot-and-paper industry, and telephone. Later on television. But you go around asking U.S. citizens could vote in favor of donations to pay for their own advertising, as they do today? If donations are to be on the publicity around them for the election? To pay for newsletters, pay for the letters asking for donations to pay for their flights in aircraft, to pay for his interviews ...? No group has a bank account that can be dipped in this area?

I agree, and I'll stickers and posters for my garden. But I'm tired of all telephone calls and all the letters in the mail. Why do you need millions of dollars, and to stand before the official announcement for the presidency? Plez explain.


JVHawai'... said...

Ask for a rational explanation for what is totally irrational. When a local politician are two or three million dllars for a job that pays a hundred thousand dollars per year for two years and four hundred million or more for the presidency, which sells two hundred thousand dollars per year, plus benefits, then c "is a corrupt system obviouslly . Much of it is the work of most of the hamstrings money is poured into a handful of PR agencies to get their financial rewards, other parasites "guide" candidates for the success or failure. What is really twisted is that a man a woman to twice or even ten million dollars if their candidate wins.

Some of the money trickles of grunt workers. For Inner City, New York, for example, ten dollars per hour deserves to nuisance calls to behald Hillary can mean many things. But most elections in the United States was linked to a scam - - - a system of money with big dreams and ambitions.

Oh, and on election night, everyone in the food and entertainment options in most of all the candidates and# 039; s Seat - - - Dribbling certainly experience ......

Pax ------------------------------

coragryp... said...

Because today is all sales.

Politicians sell themselves, like any other product. And like any other product that was a better publicity.

my 2 cents said...

The supply and demand. There is a clear demand for advertising. Reaching the number of voters is much greater than it was 100 years ago. Not only the population of the United States, but the proportion of the population who can vote, is now bigger. Television and other advertising medium for most voters and candidates for the use of their name before the public. Therefore, advertisers know that there is a necessity and earn money. Advertising is expensive. Polisario - Most people know little about issues, voting for a name they recognize. There is a level of comfort some to vote for something familiar. It feels safe, even if you do not know why you recognize the name.
Policies and recognize that they know that if his name was not mentioned, have lost a much better chance. Some people (hopefully familiar), and really about problems and the only way that is suitable to be achieved through consultation with the candidates about their platforms. The same result- The fact that they use the media to reach these people. Yes, easier access to the nozzles of the candidates on a broader base of people and the people a sense of accessibility of a candidate is important - is the "personal touch". Yes, paying someone who can lead a campaign of this magnitude are expensive.
It appears as a sum of money, but money is often directly proportional to the number of affected persons and is thus proportional to improve their chances of winning.

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